As we reported at the February vestry meeting, the Worship Committee continues to review the wealth of responses to our Parish Worship Survey. As we digest and address specific areas of the survey, we will offer you summaries and updates as to how new practices might be explored. Our first installment is about a popular topic in any church - its music!
Almost 75% of parishioners indicated their preference for more contemporary hymns over traditional. (The Worship Committee acknowledged, however, the challenge in interpreting this feedback, as "contemporary music" might mean something written 50 years ago to one person, and five months ago to another!) The overwhelming response to tempo of hymns was a preference for faster and livelier hymns. When asked if they preferred newer to more familiar hymns, 95% responded in favour of hymns ranging from some new hymns to the mostly familiar hymns.
Comments about the selection of hymns and service music ranged from enjoying the contemplative communion hymns to the more upbeat recessional music. Some parishioners expressed a desire to see more diversity in the Creed as opposed to only using the current Affirmation of Faith.
Some testimonials:
Based on the feedback, we are incorporating some changes in stages:
Please talk to Lynley if you have ideas, suggestions or feedback (or, of course, if you'd like to join the choir)!