This morning we enter Passion Week with the service of Palm Sunday, during which we remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We will be saying the liturgy of the palms, with music and homily; for a celebration of Palm Sunday that includes the passion reading, you may wish to visit the Cathedral's service that goes live at 10:30 a.m. on April 5. Peggy was deacon for the prerecorded Cathedral service.
Folks are encouraged to decorate their doors with "palms," West Coast-style, or use the Palm Sunday cross from your Holy Week bag. Thank you to Wilna for decorating our church doors for Palm Sunday! And you can also check out our very own Jonathan Jang's video on how to make one at home!
Our service is available as a Word document below, for those who wish to follow along. The written text of the sermon is also available for download below.
The weekly resources from Illustrated Ministry are right here.
Parishioners are invited to join us on Palm Sunday at 11 a.m. for a virtual coffee hour. Information was sent via our parish email list. We hope to see you there!