St. Clement’s Card Ministry


The St. Clement’s Card Ministry aims to bring back this most welcome form of communication!

Anyone can request or send a card.

Let’s share God's love! 


How it Works

Individuals can request a card, or somebody can request one on their behalf; and their names will be put on a list. Card writers will receive a monthly email with a recipient's address. Cards can be sent for any reason, including holidays, special events, milestones, or just to say hi!


Cards and Postage

Cards are provided and will be in a box at the back of the Church (or you may choose to use your own); if you need a stamp, please feel free to visit the Office during business hours (Tues-Fri 9:30 am - 1 pm). (Please don't share your recipient's mailing address with others, as it may be private. And please use the Church address as your return address;-)


Some tips for what to include in your card:

These are just suggestions; no pressure to include these things.

  • Include a hopeful or uplifting quote or scripture and explain why you find it encouraging. Combining Scripture with a caring sentiment allows you to convey God’s Word along with your own personal message.
  • Write about something in nature or your community that you are seeing right now that gives you hope for new beginnings.
  • Feel free to connect in another language if you know your reader's language.
  • A favourite poem.


What not to include:

  • Money or gifts.
  • A request for a return card or favour.
  • Personal or private information (address, phone number, Social Insurance Number etc.).


If you or somebody you know, would like to sign up as a writer or if you would like to nominate a recipient, please email Jenn, and she can add their names to the list.


If you have any questions or clarifications, please reach out. Thank you for your participation!


Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NKJV