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As we prepare for a second Lent spent amidst the precautions necessitated by the COVID-19 virus, we are grateful for all we have learned together as a community these past months, and the support we have been able to offer each other. We hope that this year's Lenten journey will again stengthen our spirits as we approach the story of Jesus's death and resurrection.

You are invited to participate in any or all of the Lenten offerings from St. Clement's, which include:

  • Ash Wednesday's imposition of ashes will be a walk-through ritual outside the church. People will be invited to mark themselves with ash with clergy as your companion at a distance. Details on timing will be posted on our website.

  • Open Church mornings on Saturdays from 10am to noon, beginning February 13. Please mask up and visit our hospitality room at the top of the stairs, where you can pick up Lenten resources and Fair Trade items from our friendly host. Individual "bubbles" (one at a time) are welcome to use the church sanctuary for personal prayer during this time.

  • Lenten materials available for pick up include a Journey Through Lent poster/calendar, a small-but-mighty beeswax candle blessed at Candlemas, a selection of books to borrow, an Ash Wednesday hand-out, and a copy of this new Lenten devotional (and workbook) from Illustrated Ministry. If you would like a printed copy of the latter prepared for you, please email Yvonne; if you would like Peggy to email you a PDF for printing at home, please let her know. There is also this all-ages version for families, so please be in touch if that's your preference!

  • Take your clergy for a walk! André, Elizabeth and Peggy can be "signed out" for a stroll during Lent. Walking with a companion is allowed under the health protocols, so let's mask up and have a spirited chat al fresco. You will be able to "reserve" some time with your parish priest or deacon on the Church Reopen website - please stay tuned, details will be posted soon!

  • Feed the hungry by dropping off your donation of ready-to-serve or easy-to-serve snacks, which go to the clients of Raincity Housing in the Downtown Eastside. More details regarding suitable contributions are right here. Thank you!